After the Test

Taking the National Hearing Test is the first important step in addressing concerns about hearing loss and impairment. Now that you have taken the test, you may be wondering what you should do next. This page includes information to help you locate a hearing professional in your area.

Your test results

You will receive your test results immediately after the hearing screening. As soon as both ears have been tested, the results will be reported to you over the telephone. You will be told the individual results for the right ear and the left ear. If you did not receive your results, please email

If your results from the National Hearing Test were “slightly below normal” or “substantially below normal,” you should make an appointment for a complete hearing evaluation by a certified hearing professional. Even if your results are in the “normal” range but you still have concerns about your hearing, we encourage you to seek a complete hearing evaluation.

For more hearing health information, go to the AARP Hearing Center at

How can I learn more about hearing disorders and treatments?

Assistance and services

How can I find a certified hearing professional in my area?
For questions and support